The 3-Step System: Connect, Control, Automate.
The 3-Step System is how Clever Cat Services transforms an outdated house into a reliable high tech 21st century smart home.

1. Connect
A strong and reliable home network is the backbone to a reliable and well connected smart home.
The first step to building out a high tech smart home is having the network to tie it all together. With distributed Wi-Fi Access Points throughout the home, we make sure your “slow corners” are a thing of the past. High-speed wireless connectivity throughout the entire home ensures no choppy movie nights or random zoom meeting disconnects.
But none of that changes the fact that a wire *is* better, and in some cases, necessary. High-demand devices can be plugged directly in with Ethernet jacks located in convenient spots throughout the home. This allows for the lowest latency while gaming, as well as keeping the Wi-Fi network clear for other devices that may not be able to hardwire in.
2. Control
Take control of your lights and your life with a smart home system customized to your exact needs.
Has it become a ritual in your house to walk around turning off light switches before bedtime? Do you have that one light switch that’s always in a really inconvenient spot? Is there a lamp in your house with one of those awful annoying twist-switch things that you can never seem to get your fingers around without burning yourself on the hot bulb? Just me? Crap…
With smart buttons and scenes, you can have control over your lights and other devices from wherever you want it. Physical control buttons with no wiring required, or even a smartphone widget on your home screen can turn that light turn-off ritual we all know too well into a single button press or voice command. Completely customizable dashboards allow for any arrangement of controls.
3. Automate
Instead of doing work for your house, how about having your house do work for you?
If you have stairs in your home, then you know how important it is to have them be lit when you are trying to use them. With Automation, LEDs can magically come on to light each step as you go downstairs for a sip of lemonade at 2:47am, bright enough to light your path to the kitchen, but not bright enough to wake anyone who may be sleeping nearby. We leave that up to the spoon you’ll inevitably drop on the floor. 😉
While Home Automation can’t cure your midnight butterfingers, it can certainly simplify your daily routine. Your garage doors can automatically close themselves if you leave them open, or that one fan that kept you from melting last night can just turn off when you aren’t in the room to save energy. The sky (or roof) is the limit to what you can have your house do for you.
“Experience the future of comfort and convenience at your fingertips with our cutting-edge home automation solutions.”

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Our suite of Smart Home software can run 100% locally, meaning no losing your ability to turn the lights on if your internet goes down. Additionally, the big tech companies won’t be knowing your every move within your house, as the data about your smart home never leaves the premises, unless of course you request it to using the app.
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